Due to a rare disease, the girl’s head is larger than the rest of her body

Because of lack of money, the parents could not treat their daughter. 16-month-old Indian girl Runa Begum has hydrocephalus, a disease that causes abnormal fluid buildup in the brain cavities. Read more: Because of a rare disease, the girl was forced to…

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An Indian baby girl born with two faces is considered by villagers to be the embodiment of the goddess of power

According to Reuters, in 2008, Lali Singh was born into a poor farmer family in the village of Sunpura Sohanpur east of New Delhi, India. From birth, she suffered from craniofacial duplication, or Diprosopus, an extremely rare congenital disorder. …

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“Two-faced boy” has always been wearing a mask since birth

Not long ago, a boy in Hunan, China caused a stir in public opinion in this country when his face was split in half, looking like he was wearing a…

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In China, an Unusual Discovery Unveils a Rare Eight-Legged Pig Phenomenon.

A newborn pig with 8 strange legs in Nam Xuyen district, Chongqing province (China) attracted the attention of many people, according to Dailymail. Mr. Tang Yongxiu (63 years old), the…

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The little bird blatantly rides on the eagle’s head

The rare moment of seeing a small bird blatantly riding on an eagle’s head in Massachusetts, USA was recorded by Guilong Charles Cheng, a 43-year-old amateur photographer with a passion for wildlife. In the photo is a female eagle. It is a …

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Coco de Mer, the largest and most expensive coconut in the world

Coco de Mer (sea coconut, also known as palm) is a plant belonging to the Areca family and is also the only species of the genus Lodoicea. This is the rarest and most expensive coconut in the world. Each Coco de Mer coconut costs an average of about 300 pounds (about 385 USD). Coco de mer tree…

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A strange eel that just stands still in one place all its life, waiting for food to be delivered to its mouth

The video above records the scene of hundreds of eels “rooting” off the coast of Oahu Island, where there are strong ocean currents, waiting for the water to bring food to their mouths. Each individual will be “stuck firmly” under the sand for its entire life, never moving anywhere else. Eel…

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Strange squid with a transparent body and red eyes like a demon like an alien

A glass squid with demonic red eyes that looks like an alien was recorded in the waters by researchers aboard the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) ship Okeanos Explorer. twilight of the Semidi Islands…

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Who would have thought that these strange creatures would live with humans on Earth in the future

Scientists have researched and made a list of creatures that may “share the same fate” with us in the next few thousand years. Surely you will not be surprised when you see their strange shape. 1. “Long-legged” bats Bats are predicted to…

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Fish have nostrils and mouths but no faces

The faceless fish was discovered by an Australian scientist at a depth of 4,000 m under the sea during an expedition to search for marine resources from northern Tasmania to central Queensland. Strange faceless fish. When pulling small nets with the machine…

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