Frightened by the mushroom named angel, causing a series of deaths

Interesting question: “Do cherry blossom trees bear fruit or not?” Spring comes, on the streets of many major cities around the world, cherry blossoms bloom, creating a wonderfully beautiful scene. , making people not only tourists but also locals…

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The strange dog only has half its body but is not scary at all

No need to possess glittering beauty, the strange dog named Pig has still won a lot of sympathy from the online community thanks to his strange and adorable appearance recently. Pig dog plays with his owner. My body is deformed…

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Brightly colored genetically modified broccoli

Currently, about 29 countries around the world allow the cultivation of genetically modified crops with a total crop area of 148 million hectares. Among them, the main genetically modified crops…

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The genetically mutated pig has a face that resembles both a one-eyed giant and a chimpanzee

People in the San Juan y Martinez area, western Cuba, flocked to the place where the genetically mutated pig was located to see it with their own eyes. In the…

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Ice in American Lake broke into millions of pieces, netizens wondered: “Is Frozen real life?”

Although beautiful, the US Coast Guard warns: Only watch from afar and do not get close or walk on the unstable ice surface, no one can be sure it is…

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Unusually adorable dogs with deformities that are not easily seen

The human body regenerates 3.8 million cells every second! That is, our bodies are constantly living, changing and sometimes even transforming. However, with animals, everything is approximately the same, so sometimes curious mutants appear among them…

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Small animals with strange physical characteristics

The human body regenerates 3.8 million cells every second! That is, our bodies are constantly living, changing and sometimes even transforming. However, with animals, everything is the same, so sometimes…

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The cats are deformed but very strange and adorable

Frankie was born with four ears and one deformed eye, but this didn’t stop him from being a lovable and affectionate uncle. Meet Frank and Louis, the two-faced cats! He…

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Strangely, the crocodile has a humpback

The hump located on the black crocodile’s back was quickly discovered even though it deliberately hid behind the bushes. During a business trip to a swamp in the Pantanal, Brazil,…

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The two-headed snake appeared briefly and then disappeared

Although it only appears for a few seconds, people can still recognize that this two-headed snake belongs to the water snake species. For a long time, the two-headed snake is…

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