Unveiling the Surprising Elegance of the “Sea Hare”
The animals that Japanese netizens lovingly named “sea rabbits” are actually Jorunna parva sea slugs. Sea slugs are not usually considered cute animals except for the Jorunna parva slug. Twitter users in Japan went crazy when they saw…
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Colorful nature photos from around the world
Believe it or not, these photos are not photoshopped. These beautiful Paradise-like places are truly created by the hands of Mother Nature. Terraced fields, Japan Lavender fields, France Hitachi National Park, Japan Bamboo forests, …
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“Japanese Summer Illuminated by the Radiance of Fireflies”
(HNMO) – There are many attractive reasons for tourists to visit the land of the rising sun: Scenery, typical customs, cuisine and even fireflies. Every summer, this magical insect turns Japanese forests into a sparkling fairy tale world. …
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“Dispelling Misconceptions: The Wolffish and Fukushima Radiation”
When images of a “mutant” wolffish caught off the coast of Japan started making the rounds this week, panic ensued . But like a fictional “Godzilla”, this fish is actually nothing to be worried about. Image: Hiroshi Hirasaka /Twitter For starters, …
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