Shrimp can live in hot water of 450 degrees Celsius near the volcano

Scientists have just found a species of shrimp that lives near an extremely deep volcano at the bottom of the Caribbean Sea, where water temperatures can reach 450 degrees Celsius. Until now, most of us thought that all food was just It needs to pass a temperature of 100 degrees Celsius to ensure it is cooked and safe…

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Mutually beneficial relationships exist in nature

A relationship between two individuals (animals, plants, humans…) can only last long if both parties benefit. If a relationship only benefits one party, that relationship will not last long. That is the law of symbiosis. Sanitary shrimp species…

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Strange creatures at the “volcano” under the sea

New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) has just announced the discovery of strange creatures in the Kermadec Trench area in the country’s northern waters, National Geographic magazine reported. NIWA researchers conducted an exploration…

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Collection of bizarre creatures in the deep sea

After admiring these rare marine species, many people will see how important protecting the ocean is. >>> Spotting the “invisible” creatures at the bottom of the sea >>> Images of “ghostly” sea creatures under …

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Strange creatures at the “volcano” under the sea

New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) has just announced the discovery of strange creatures in the Kermadec Trench area in the country’s northern waters, National Geographic magazine reported. NIWA researchers conducted an exploration…

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A luminous creature “love to see” hidden under the sea

This cute glowing creature is a sea slug with the scientific name Costasiella kuroshimae, found widely in Japan, Indonesia and the Philippines. Many people mistakenly think this glowing creature is a sea sheep or a cow…

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