Monsters that once “made waves” in mythology
In mythology, besides strange animals such as: Hydra and Hades, giant spiders… there also exist many strange monsters that are little known and gradually forgotten: Crocotta the wolf-lion hybrid, the elephant-tailed pig jaw. Yale, the body of a buffalo and the head of a cow Catoblepas… Below is one of …
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Panicked because the beast washed ashore
A creature that looks hideous like a monster has just washed up under the Brooklyn Bridge in New York (USA). Denise Ginley took a photo of this strange creature while walking on the riverbank on July 22. People call this strange animal the “Manhatan monster”, because it looks…
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Unbelievable monsters of the sea
1. A panda? Or a dog with mutations? This animal appeared on the New York coast but to this day no one knows what happened to it. 2. When this animal first washed ashore, many people thought it was the body of a…
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Terrified by Mythical Beings in Greek Lore
Typhon Typhon is a monster in Greek mythology. Typhon is said to be a large creature with the strangest shape ever known: a human body with hundreds of different snake tails and fire shining from its eyes that makes anyone…
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A series of giant animal carcasses washed ashore on a mysterious beach
There are many strange things lurking in the ocean that humans cannot explain. One of the unexplained mysteries of the ocean is the giant animal carcasses, which are found washed up on beaches around the world. Have …
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Discovering a ‘monster’ with razor-sharp teeth on the lake shore
A ‘monster’ with razor-sharp teeth and a body about 1.5 meters long was recently discovered on the shore of Lake Hollingworth, Greater Manchester (UK). Its appearance makes many people confused and wonder if this is a creature with…
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Discovered a monster with a crocodile snout and a buffalo-like shape
People in a village in Thailand are confused when they discover a monster with a strange appearance. This strange creature has the shape of a buffalo, but its skin and snout resemble that of a crocodile. This creature was born from a strong buffalo…
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