Lobsters have the strangest shapes in the world
Admire the mutated lobsters with strange colors and claws once found in Massachusetts, USA. A mutant lobster was found on May 27, 2009. A mutant lobster whose half turned white was found…
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Decoding the “alien” creature chased away by Malaysians
The clip recording the escape of the strange “alien” creature has been widely shared online, forcing local Malaysian officials to take action to find its whereabouts and origin. The appearance of a strange creature at a…
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‘Inexhaustible Abyss’ Devours 30,000 Tons of Water Daily, Remains Unfilled for Centuries with No Escape Insight
Some forces of nature cannot be shaken by humans. Some people joke, “If humans anger nature and nature waves its hand, humans can perish.” The magic of nature Life on earth, perhaps we have only just…
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