Encounter creepy insects that eat scavengers
Oil field workers in the Gulf of Mexico just encountered a giant sea termite up to a meter long when they sent a submarine to explore the seabed at a depth of nearly 3 km. It is a terrifying insect that lives at a depth of 2.6km below the sea surface. They are said to be the most giant isopod species…
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Amazing scene under the sea in Indonesia
Sea anemones clinging to sea crabs for a ride are one of the most impressive images that scientists captured during a recent expedition to Indonesian waters. Scientists from the US Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Indonesian scientists…
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Mutually beneficial relationships exist in nature
A relationship between two individuals (animals, plants, humans…) can only last long if both parties benefit. If a relationship only benefits one party, that relationship will not last long. That is the law of symbiosis. Sanitary shrimp species…
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Fantasy world under the icy ocean
🏠 Entertainment Photo gallery Under the icy cold water in the Antarctic region is a colorful world of mysterious creatures and scenes that nature creates. Starfish attack and eat another type of starfish that is bigger than them on the ocean floor…
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Exploring the Enigmatic Elegance: Unveiling the Intriguing Beauty of Creatures in the Profound Depths of the Ocean.
The Into The Deep photo exhibition will take place at St Andrews Square, Edinburgh (UK) from February 25 to May 1 with more than 60 large-sized photos of beautiful deep-sea animals. Below is a beautiful photo that will be displayed at the Into The Deep exhibition: …
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