Admire the moment a carnivorous plant uses “devil’s fingers” to capture its prey

I’m sure you will feel really excited when you witness how the carnivorous plant below uses its “devil’s fingers” to capture its prey!

Although they have to stay rooted in one place and cannot move flexibly like animals, many tree species are formidable “predators” in the natural world. Unlike ferocious animals that use speed, strength or claws as weapons to capture targets, carnivorous plants mostly choose to lie still, inviting their “meal” to find their own. arrived, then suddenly locked the unfortunate animal in a “no-escape” trap, then digested it while it was still alive with acidic enzymes. The case of the Drosera Capensis tree is no exception.

Gong Vo Tree.

Drosera Capensis is the scientific name of a carnivorous plant native to Africa. However, people often know it by the name “Cape Sundew” or “Gong Vo tree”.

The secret weapon that makes this plant a deadly trap for insects is the tentacles, which are likened to “devil fingers” that it possesses.

To attract prey, the Gong Vo plant will secrete mucus in the form of dew drops on the tips of its tentacles. When sunlight shines in, the “dew drops” will reflect back into the insects’ eyes and stimulate them to come.

At this time, the unfortunate animal was stuck in a super sticky trap and was just waiting to die.

After the prey lands on the tentacles of the Gong Vo plant, the collision sensor mechanism will activate the tentacles, causing them to move and cling tightly to the target. At this time, the unfortunate animal was stuck in a super sticky trap and was just waiting to die.

Next, the tentacles will gradually bring the “trophy” down close to the leaf. Here, the Gong Vo tree will secrete digestive enzymes to break down its “meal” . Nutrients from insects will also be absorbed directly through the leaves.

Besides its unique way of catching prey, the Gong Vo plant is also known for its valuable medicinal properties. Specifically, extracts from the leaves of this plant are often used to treat warts, calluses and sunburn.

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