Decoding the “alien” creature chased away by Malaysians

The clip recording the escape of the strange “alien” creature has been widely shared online, forcing local Malaysian officials to take action to find its whereabouts and origin.

The appearance of a strange creature in a village in Malaysia around the end of January created a fever after the most realistic images of it were widely shared online. After 2 months, up to now, this alien creature has been rescued from danger and cared for enthusiastically by the animal protection center.

The video clip about alien creatures in Malaysia has more than 6 million views on YouTube:

It is known that this strange creature is actually a sun bear, a rare bear species that is on the list of animals in need of protection in Malaysia. However, due to a mysterious disease, its appearance is different from its peers.

Giải mã sinh vật "ngoài hành tinh" bị dân Malaysia đuổi đánh

Rare sun bear species in Malaysia.

This bear was discovered by a group of workers near a village in Sibu town in this country. At first, because they didn’t know the origin of the strange creature, they couldn’t help but be afraid. They used sticks to chase and beat the bear and then threw it into the forest.

The clip recording the sun bear’s escape attracted nearly 6 million views after being posted online. Local officials have also been involved in searching for its whereabouts since then. After 2 months of searching, on Wednesday, April 1, animal protectionists found the poor animal wandering on a plantation near the point of its previous appearance.

Giải mã sinh vật "ngoài hành tinh" bị dân Malaysia đuổi đánh

This strange creature was originally a sick Malaysian sun bear.

The sun bear was found in a sick, panicked and agitated state. This is probably understandable after what it has been through.

Giải mã sinh vật "ngoài hành tinh" bị dân Malaysia đuổi đánh

The hairless sun bear is being kept in captivity at a wildlife protection center to monitor and treat its condition.

The sun bear is currently being cared for at a wildlife protection center. The center will conduct a health check and find a treatment method for it as soon as possible. They hope the sun bear will soon recover and return to wild life.

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