“Exploring the Enigmatic Black Rain Frog: Terrifying Features of Nature’s Amphibious Marvel”

Unlike regular frogs, Black Rain frogs have a funny body and a frowning face.

Ếch Black Rain - Loài ếch có thân hình và vẻ mặt ghê sợ

A Black Rain frog. (Photo: melbourneer)

Ếch Black Rain - Loài ếch có thân hình và vẻ mặt ghê sợ

An uninflated Black Rain frog. (Photo: melbourneer)

Black Rain Frog is a type of amphibian. This frog is found only on the southern slopes of the Cape Fold Mountains in South Africa. They often burrow and create “tunnels” 15cm deep. They spend most of their time underground instead of living at the edges of lakes or swamps.

Black Rain Frogs (also known as Black Rain Frogs) have a round body and short, stubby legs that make them bad at swimming and jumping. In addition, their ‘difficult’ faces with inverted V-shaped mouths are what make them extremely funny.


Scientists often compare this frog to a ball of irritation.

This African frog has a special defense mechanism in case of attack. At that time, they will try to inflate themselves, making their bodies bigger and fiercer. Scientists often compare this frog to a ball of irritation.

During mating season, female frogs often secrete a special sticky substance on their backs to help male frogs not fall during mating, this is called amplexus.

Male frogs will be responsible for staying in the cave to protect the eggs.

The strange frog species Black Rain attracted the attention of the scientific community immediately after its discovery.


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