A village has been divided over the birth of a two-headed calf after some said it was a good omen and others said it was a sign of bad things to come.
Some locals in the remote area where it was born claim it was a sign from God, while others believe it was a mythical birth or that the cow must have undergone a some types of environmental pollution caused by mining in the region.
The animal, born in Vista Alegre, Hualgayoc district, in the northwestern Peruvian province of Cajamarca, could not feed itself because its two heads were too heavy.

Remote village: The calf was fed by hand until he had enough strength to stand on his own (Photo: Europe)
And because it can’t stand it either, farmer Edward Villegas Rubio is feeding it milk from a bottle.
The unusual calf has two heads, two noses, two sets of eyes and two mouths.
A close relative of the farmer, Clodomiro Becerra, was present when the animal was born and said: “It was a very difficult birth and we had to force it because it had two heads.’

Unlucky creature: Some people worried it could be a sign from God, but its owner happily kept it (Photo: Europe)
Rolando Ballena Chumioque, a veterinarian and official of the Agency of Agriculture, tried to allay the villagers’ fears by saying that the birth defects could be caused by antibiotics during pregnancy. – or it could be a birth defect.
He denied this could be the result of environmental pollution in Hualgayoc district due to mining activities.

Strengthen: The calf cannot feed itself because its head is too heavy (Photo: Europe)
He also said the calf could not live long.
In 2009, two calves with two heads were born in Chota district, same province of Peru.
One of the heads was born dead and the other was alive and was baptized with the name Milagritos (Miracle) and surprisingly survived for seven months in the Pathology laboratory at the National University. Cajamarca family.