Fried Egg Jellyfish – Who Fried Eggs Under the Sea?

On a beautiful, sunny day, near the Mediterranean coast, a beautiful, “delicious” & extremely friendly creature called the Fried Egg Jellyfish suddenly appeared.


Surely you don’t need an introduction and you’ll immediately know her identity, right? With a fat yolk in the middle and white surrounding it like an omelet , no one will be able to mistake our baby for other jellyfish.


Not only does our jellyfish look ” delicious “, but our jellyfish are also very friendly with humans.

Although when attacked, the baby will instinctively release venom to defend itself, but according to research by scientists, the baby’s toxin is very low and only causes itching at the sting site. or even harmless to humans.


Omelites are creatures that need to absorb a lot of solar energy to survive, so in the warmest seas, especially the Mediterranean, you will easily see a large number of Fried Egg Jellyfish relatives swimming on the surface. sea.

A common baby jellyfish will be under 20cm but when mature can reach a size of up to 40cm.

Fried Egg Jellyfish is asexual reproduction . The larvae attach tightly to hard surfaces in the ocean and grow into small, interconnected clusters. After a while, the tiny jellyfish leave this cluster and float away with the water.

The developmental life cycle of Fried Egg Jellyfish is similar to other jellyfish species, including 4 stages: Larva Baby Jellyfish → Immature Jellyfish → Adult Jellyfish.

The lifespan of babies is very short, only about 6-9 months . In the summer it will begin to grow, and in the winter it will return to Mother Sea. 😢😢😢


Little Op La looks like that but is very lazy to move , just drifting along with the water. When it needs to move, it will use its cilia to push water away, known to swim quickly during the day or during the tide.

It is also a safe “floating home” for many small fish species. Small fish often hide inside the tentacles and move with this jellyfish.

Another characteristic of the Fried Egg Jellyfish’s body structure is that it does not have a respiratory system, circulatory system and excretory system.

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