Most sea slugs are snails that have lost their shells and acquired new characteristics through evolution. For example, Sacoglossan slugs are also called “solar slugs” because they eat algae and absorb the algae’s chlorophyll to nourish tissues – a process that only occurs in single-celled organisms.
In nature, there are many species of sea slugs with different shapes and characteristics. There are species that look like lambs, there are species that look like leaves, there are also species that have strange shapes like they come from another planet…
We invite readers to admire the “beauty” of some species of sea slugs:
Cadlinella Ornatissima slug
Slug Janolus Fuscus
Slug Phyllodesmium Poindimiei
The sea slug Costasiella Kuroshimae is shaped like a lamb
Slug Dirona Albolineata
Cyerce Nigricans slug
The Acanthodoris Pilosa slug looks like a white rabbit
Slug Janolus Barbarensis
Flabellina Iodinea slug
Slug Okenia Hopkinsia Rosacea
Sea slug Glaucus Atlanticus
Hypselodoris Kanga slug
Elysia Chlorotica slugs are leaf-shaped
Chromodoris Alius slug
Elysia Crispata slugs look like lettuce
The Vaquita Suiza slug is shaped like a cow
Slug Phyllidiella Pustulosa
Slug Onchidoris Bilamellata
Slug Hypselodoris Apolegma
Slug Acanthodoris Lutea