Monsters that once “made waves” in mythology

In mythology, besides strange animals such as: Hydra and Hades, giant spiders… there also exist many strange monsters that are little known and gradually forgotten: Crocotta the wolf-lion hybrid, the elephant-tailed pig jaw. Yale, the body of a buffalo and the head of a cow Catoblepas…

Below are some of the monsters that have been praised and “made waves” in ancient myths that not everyone knows.

1. Crocotta wolf-lion hybrid monster

Quái vật sói lai sư tử Crocotta

According to Indian and Ethiopian myths, Crocotta is described as having the appearance of a wolf-dog hybrid or a wolf-lion hybrid. Their favorite prey is humans. Crocotta often hunts by listening and imitating human voices to attract, attract attention and then swallow their prey.

Crocotta được miêu tả có hình dáng giống chó lai sói hoặc sư tử lai sói

There are many documents recorded that Crocotta does not have a fixed shape. They can suck people’s souls then hide under their form and continue hunting new prey. Crocotta has the ability to extend his lifespan for centuries in human form and is proficient in using tools and machinery.

2. Catoblepas, the monster with the body of a buffalo and the head of a cow

Quái vật mình trâu, đầu bò Catoblepas

According to ancient Greek mythology, Catoblepas also comes from Ethiopia like Crocota and has a shape that combines the body of a buffalo and the head of a cow. Catoblepas’s head is always facing the ground due to its heavy horns. Besides, its large back and many sharp spikes will protect it from enemies.

atoblepas đi vào huyền thoại chính là khả năng giết con mồi bằng hơi thở và ánh nhìn của chúng

The weapon that makes Catoblepas legendary is the ability to kill prey with their breath and gaze . This buffalo-cow hybrid often eats a toxic grass that grows by the river.

Perhaps because they eat those plants, their breath can be deadly. More specifically, Catoblepas also has the ability to petrify prey by looking straight into the opponent’s eyes.

3. Aspidochelone giant turtle

Loài rùa khổng lồ Aspidochelone

Aspidochelone in Greek mythology is a giant turtle. Aspidochelone is so large that its shell can turn into an island and there are plants and even animals that exist on this mobile island.

These giant turtles are actually quite healthy until they… dive deep into the water and drown all the creatures that are illegally residing on their shells.

Legend has it that there are quite a few ships and rafts anchored on this “island”, but disaster will strike if any crew is foolish… starting a fire on the “island”. Because immediately, this “island” of turtles will sink into the water, dragging everyone along with the ship and boat into the deep sea. And this is also how Aspidochelone eats its prey.

4. Firebird

Chim lửa

We are all no strangers to the phoenix, which is a bird that burns itself and then regenerates from its own ashes . And according to Greek mythology, the firebird is a close relative of the phoenix .

The firebird is a magical bird that glows brightly from the depths of the forest and can bring blessings to its owner.

Loài chim tự thiêu rồi lại tái sinh từ chính tro bụi.

The Firebird is described as having the appearance of a large bird with bright plumage that emits red, orange and yellow light that blend together like a giant flame.

The firebird’s feathers never stop glowing even when they fall out. This feather can light up a large room. That is also the reason why firebird feathers are something everyone wants to hunt and own.

5. Yale monster with pig jaw and elephant tail

Quái vật hàm lợn, đuôi voi Yale

Yale is a type described in ancient Greek mythology as a goat with large horns and great strength. This animal is the size of a hippopotamus, has an elephant-like tail, a pig-like jaw and has yellow or brown fur.

Their name is derived from a word meaning “returnable” in Greek, meaning that the Yale’s horns have the ability to turn and change direction to attack prey and opponents in any direction. any.

Sừng của loài Yale có khả năng quay và thay đổi hướng để tấn công con mồi và đối thủ ở bất cứ phương hướng nào.

In addition to the self-defense function, these horns are also used to hunt by piercing through prey. This makes these goats invincible within their range.

With its strength, Yale became a symbol of invincibility and pride in its ability to protect many regions during the Middle Ages.

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