Rare “mutant” animals

In nature, there are many animals that have genetic mutations or problems that cause them to have unusual shapes and colors. Over the years, people have caught many such animals such as crabs, lobsters, oysters, lizards…


A rare blue lobster was just caught by fishermen in Canada in June 2012 – (Photo: CRI online)


This strawberry-colored crab was found off the coast of Taiwan in 2010 – (Photo: CRI online)

Những động vật "đột biến" hiếm gặp

Fossil of a giant oyster was found in the Solent in June 2012. It is 10 times larger than normal oysters – (Photo: CRI online)

Những động vật "đột biến" hiếm gặp

Due to a genetic variation, this deer has become a handsome eccentric with attractive patchy fur.

Những động vật "đột biến" hiếm gặp

The most special peacock in the world with half normal and half albino. With half of its body albino, this peacock has a beauty that no one can ignore.

Những động vật "đột biến" hiếm gặp

Pink dragonflies, very beautiful, very rare but do exist. This is also a product of genetic mutation.

Những động vật "đột biến" hiếm gặp

Albino crocodile, it seems that when wearing this radiant white skin, the crocodile is less scary. However, in reality, this animal is still no less dangerous than its killer counterpart.

Những động vật "đột biến" hiếm gặp

Also suffering from albinism, this parrot has extremely eye-catching bright yellow and white feathers.

Những động vật "đột biến" hiếm gặp

Genetic mutations cause this python to have strange and incredibly beautiful colors. That just makes it look scarier, though.

Những động vật "đột biến" hiếm gặp

This is a vain cat, and this vain cat is the product of genetics when cells from two separate eggs in the mother cat’s womb combine to create a “half-and-half” child. “The most special in the world.






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