Strange creatures at the “volcano” under the sea

New Zealand’s National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) has just announced the discovery of strange creatures in the Kermadec Trench area in the country’s northern waters, National Geographic magazine reported.

Hydrothermal vents – located next to submarine volcanoes, often spew water heated by geothermal heat. This is home to many complex biological communities that are nourished by chemicals dissolved in this water.


Polychaete marine worms are found at a depth of 1,200m, in the northern waters of New Zealand.

The research team has collected thousands of biological samples, of which about 10% are believed to be new species to the scientific community or newly discovered in New Zealand.

“Overall, we found that the biological communities and biodiversity in the four marine habitats mentioned above are different ,” Dr. Clark added via email to National Geographic. Mr. Clark revealed that the purpose of the expedition is : “to find out what marine creatures live there and from there study how vulnerable they are to human activities such as fishing or fishing.” ocean mineral exploitation”.

Below are strange creatures discovered in the Kermadec Trench area, New Zealand waters:


Uroptychus shrimp, lives at depths from 650m – 1,400m.


Yellow “snake sea stars” Asteroschema bidwillae at a depth of 1,220m.


A species of squid at a depth of 900m.


Hairy crab Trichopeltarion janetae at a depth of 900m.


Cup-shaped coral Stephanocyathus platypus at a depth of 1,000m.


Atolla deep-sea jellyfish lives at a depth of 1,500m.


Idiacanthus black arowana.


A new species of sea slug at a depth of 1,250m.

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