For many different reasons, there are animals born with strange shapes such as six-legged calves, three-horned cows, two-headed snakes or three-eyed fish.
The two-faced cat in Rhode Island, USA was born in July 2012 but only lived a few days later. (Photo: NBC News)
Three-eyed fish in Argentina. (Photo: Gizmodo)
Teeny and Tiny two-headed turtles by Todd Ray, program director of Venice Beach Freakshow, Los Angeles, USA. (Photo: Venice Beach Freakshow)
A six-legged calf with two legs “growing” on its back in Weissenburg, Switzerland. The calf was born in February 2012 and was named Lilli. (Photo: AP)
An adult cat has an average weight of 3-5kg. But in 2012, this 2-year-old cat weighed 17kg. (Photo: AP)
Two-headed turtle at San Antonio Zoo, USA. They have fused bodies and are named Thelma and Louise. (Photo: AP)
When born, this cow in Hebei province, China had only a small, swollen hump on its forehead. However, over time, this bump becomes larger, longer and sharper, causing the cow to have up to 3 horns. (Photo: Mirror)
The two-snouted pig was born on a farm in Jilin province, northern China. The pig was named Xiaobao. (Photo: Europas CEN)
Two-headed snake at the World Aquarium Animal Exhibition Center, St. Louis, USA. The snake was named Us and was 1.2 meters long. (Photo taken in 2011)
Previously, a two-headed snake lived here for 8 years and 6 months before dying in June 2007. In 2006, experts tried to mate it with another two-headed snake but failed. (Photo: AP)
The two-headed cow was raised by farmers in a village near Alexandria, Egypt. This cow cannot stand on its own two feet because its head is too heavy. (Photo: AP)
Two conjoined swallows were found in Searcy, Arkansas, USA in 2008. (Photo: National Geographic)
The two-faced cow was born in 2007 in the town of Rural Retreat, Virginia, USA. (Photo:
The six-legged sheep was born on March 18, 2006 in Belgium. (Photo: AFP)