Things to know about rare toad fish in Vietnam

Like the Tam Dao toadfish, the Vietnamese toadfish (scientific name: Tylototriton vietnamensis) is a particularly rare animal, currently only found in Vietnam, and is in need of conservation due to the risk of extinction due to Living conditions are gradually deteriorating.

If Tam Dao toadfish has been known for a long time, Vietnamese toadfish have only been recorded by scientists since 2005. They are found in Lao Cai (Van Ban), Cao Bang (Nguyen Binh), Bac Ninh. Giang (Luc Nam), Nghe An (Que Phong) and has not been recorded in any country other than Vietnam.


This species of “frog disguised as a lizard” has a flat head, short snout, and almost square arms.

This “frog in lizard’s clothing” has a flat head, short snout, almost square hands, rough skin, and prominent dorsal ridges. Each rib has a row of protruding tubers, each tubercle corresponding to the tip of each rib. The tips of the limbs, the bottom edge of the tail, and the edge of the anus of the Vietnamese toadfish have a striking orange-red color compared to the gray body. The tubercles on the flanks and upper edge of the tail in many individuals are also orange-red.

Vietnamese toad fish lives in water bodies (ponds, puddles…) with a lot of mud and rotten leaves, in closed forests on mountains at an altitude of 250 – 300m.


The current distribution area of Vietnamese toad fish is very narrow.

According to scientists, they eat worms, insects and some other invertebrates.

The current distribution area of Vietnamese toad fish is very narrow. In the Red Book, they are classified as endangered, threatened with extinction. Measures to protect this unique amphibian are essential.

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