When was the first pyramid in Egypt built?

The Egyptian pyramids are believed to have been built by ancient Egyptian pharaohs about 4,000 years ago. The pyramid not only served as a symbol of the ruler’s power and omnipotence during his lifetime, but also became a monument to the ruler after the pharaoh’s death. Although modern science has a basic understanding of the function of the pyramids, the exact date of their construction is still unknown.

1. Water stains on the Sphinx

Engineer and science writer John Anthony West made a surprising statement not long ago. According to him, one of the most prominent pyramids on the Giza plateau is probably much older than we realize and could not have been built by the ancient Egyptians.

Western scholars have discovered gullies formed by flowing water behind the Sphinx, which shows that ancient Egypt once had a tropical climate. However, over thousands of years, this place has turned into a dry desert.

Therefore, the Sphinx may be more than 7,000 years old. Previously, the Sphinx was believed to have been built by order of Pharaoh Khafre, who was also associated with the second largest pyramid on the Giza plateau. However, after finding water traces on the Sphinx, archaeologists began looking for similar traces on the pyramids. Interestingly, they also found traces similar to their predictions.

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According to scientists, this is one of the largest and most ancient statues in the world. The statue is carved in the shape of a human head and lion body, lying in a prostrate position on the Giza plateau, on the left bank of the Nile River.

2. Strange hole inside Khufu pyramid

Researchers discovered a 2-meter-high hole inside Khufu’s pyramid that was completely covered with seashells. It is doubtful whether the builders of that time used defective stone blocks to construct the foundation.

However, after analyzing all of the pyramid’s stone foundations, researchers concluded that the base of the pyramid was once completely submerged by water.

If so, it must be at least 9,000 to 10,000 years old. So imagine this: Due to rising global temperatures, glaciers began to melt about 10,000 years ago, causing world sea levels to rise 70 meters. Much later, water covered the base of Khufu’s pyramid. Egyptian civilization is believed to have begun about 3,500 years ago, by which time the Sphinx and pyramids had existed on the Giza Plateau for thousands of years. If not the ancient Egyptians, then who exactly built these great structures?

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Built from 2.3 million tightly bonded stone blocks with a total weight of 5.9 million tons. In particular, each block of stone weighs from 2-30 tons, some even weigh 50 tons. This is what makes it impossible for scientists to explain what means the ancient Egyptians used to transport and build such a large structure.

3. Pyramids are not only in Egypt

In fact, there are pyramids in the Western Hemisphere, such as the famous Pyramid of the Sun in Mexico. However, it has a different structure and slope than the Egyptian pyramids.

Many years ago, a cave was discovered in Ecuador filled with fascinating objects. One of them is a stone pyramid with an eye carved on it. This pyramid is 27 cm high and has 13 steps. Scientists were extremely surprised by this artifact. Because this pyramid is different from other pyramids in the Americas. Especially its steps, the stone pyramid found in Ecuador has smooth edges and a steeper angle of inclination, somewhat similar to the Egyptian pyramids.

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The Eye of Horus is not merely a mystical symbol, but also an example of the mathematical knowledge of the ancient Egyptians.

In addition, at the top of the pyramid there is also a very special eye. This eye image is not a common symbol of the ancient Mayans or Aztecs. This image makes people think of the connection with ancient Egypt as the Egyptian Eye of Horus, the most powerful symbol in Egyptian mythology and a force against evil. But the problem is that the Egyptian Eye of Horus was often used as a decoration or symbol and was not carved on top of the pyramid.

In addition, at the foot of the stone pyramid, experts also discovered an even more mysterious image – five white spots associated with the constellation Orion – this constellation is the traditional reference coordinates of sailors in Northern Hemisphere, however, Ecuador is located in the Southern Hemisphere so this constellation symbolizes supreme power. At the foot of the stone pyramid, in addition to five white dots, there is also an ancient inscription translated as “The Son of the Creator is coming”.

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Orion is the constellation most studied by many ancient civilizations for thousands of years. The constellation Orion kept shining in the sky attracting the attention of ancient people from Egypt to South America.

In short, it seems that the pyramids on Earth were built by an ancient civilization that we still do not know about. This civilization is so powerful that it has an impact on all civilizations on Earth.

Today we have studied and understood the pyramids from the outside but there are still countless mysteries about their internal structure. Perhaps one day, by studying the pyramids, relics of this civilization, we may be lucky enough to discover the mystery of that ancient civilization.

This world seems to be the same as always, we will gradually understand it better. The unknown is the driving force for human progress. The most important thing is to always maintain curiosity about everything in the world.

Source: Zhuanlan.zhihu

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